Our annual day of service returns!
This is a makeup event for the original MLK Day of Service, scheduled for January 15, canceled due to snow.
There are two ways to participate:
1. We will be picking up trash along Franklintown Road and the Gwynns Falls trail.
- Baltimore DOT will block Franklintown Road between Winans Way and William Street
- We will direct you to parking on Franklintown Rd
- We'll provide grabbers and bags
- You'll need gloves. We have a few cotton work gloves, but it is far better if folks bring their own (they are cheap and one size fits all, also they are not reused so they become trash.)
- Registration is helpful, but not required
- Please approach from the east on Franklintown or go into the park via Winans Way.
- Event Map (PDF)
2. Naturalists from the Carrie Murray Nature Center will lead cutting invasive vines.
- This is limited to 10 participants. Registration is required.
- Tools will be provided.
- Parking will be at Winans Meadow 4500 N. Franklintown Rd.
- Please approach from the east on Franklintown or go into the park via Winans Way.
- Event Map (PDF)
Dress for the weather.
- Bring a filled water bottle, as there is no water source. We do not provide disposable water bottles
- Bring your own well-fitting gloves! we have cotton work gloves to give out, but it is far better if folks bring their own (they are cheap and one size fits all, also they are not reused so they become trash.)
- We can't wait to see you!
Note: There is a port-o-potty at the Winans Meadow parking area
Registration is not required, but it is recommended. We'll send you reminders, let you know about any inclement weather changes, and add you to our email list so you know about future events.
Leakin Park cleanup 2-19-24 .pdf