Join us as REI & The Friends of Gwynns Falls/Leakin Park partner to clean up a section of Gwynns Falls/Leakin Park on MLK Day of Service
We’ll meet up at the Winans Meadow Parking lot in the park at 11 am and work until 1 PM.
The work will be in meadow area, including picking up garbage along the Dead Run and clearing invasives from the forest edge.
We will provide equipment. Dress warmly!
Winans Meadow parking lot address: 4500 N. Franklintown Rd, 21229
REI swag! Refreshments! Camaraderie!
Where is the park?
On the western edge of Baltimore, right where Interstate 70 terminates.
Major areas/entrances (links to Google maps)
-- I-70 Park-n-Ride (Trail Head 1) -- Eagle Drive/Crimea Estate Area -- Winans Meadow (Trail Head 2) -- Windsor Mill (Trail Head 3)
-- I-70 Park-n-Ride (Trail Head 1)
-- Eagle Drive/Crimea Estate Area
-- Winans Meadow (Trail Head 2)
-- Windsor Mill (Trail Head 3)
Contact Us
Mailing Address:
Friends of Gwynns Falls/Leakin Park 15 Benway CourtCatonsville, Md. 21228